While nutrition through food is the preferred way, sometimes you need a little assistance from supplements and herbals.

I use Fullscript, an online dispensary to give you access to professional-grade, top quality products, at any time. Brands on Fullscript are evaluated for safety, efficacy, stored in temperature controlled storage and third party tested for heavy metals.

Shop our online dispensary and browse favorite products listed by category, including: Digestive Health, Immune Support, Women’s Health and Mineral Support

Everyone deserve access to quality nutrients.

To use Fullscript, you will need to create an account to give you access to various supplements and receive the 20% discount on orders.

Please note: Unless we have a practitioner-client relationship, I am not recommending any of these products to you. As always, check with your healthcare provider before adding any new supplement to your regimine. If you are currently using prescription medications, please discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements use with your Doctor, and do not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting with your Doctor. 

Disclaimer: I am not acting in the capacity of a doctor or licensed dietician. Offering access to this dispensary does not equate to prescribing nor providing health care or medical services, not does it equate to diagnosing or curing any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.