5 Reasons To Work With a Health and Nutrition Coach

I’m sure the question has crossed your mind,

“How does working with a Health and Nutrition Coach benefit me? What does that look like?”

By 2030, the global economy is projected to lose $47 trillion due to the social and psychological burdens of chronic, non-communicable conditions. These dis-eases and conditions are preventable, treatable, and can be delayed or alleviated through simple lifestyle changes. The good news? A Health and Nutrition Coach can help you make those changes and make them stick.

Here are 5 Reasons To Work With a Health and Nutrition Coach:

  1. You receive care for your entire self.

    Healing goes deep into the other layers that make up your self. When I work with clients, I ask them questions related to their physical health, mental health, emotional health and energetic health. Depending on which areas need nurturing and attention, a customized plan is then created to care for those layers and thus your entire self is taken care of.

  2. You receive a personalized program and plan, fit to your needs and goals.

    What may work for one person, may not necessarily work for another. One of the most important parts of a Coach’s job is to meet the client wherever they are in their healing journey. From there, the clients needs are assessed and the Coach will put together a plan that is beneficial to them. As an active participant in your healing journey, you work with your Coach to come up with a plan that will work for you.

  3. You receive education from a trusted and educated professional.

    I love educating my clients and instilling in them the power to learn how to intuitively listen to their bodIES and also feel empowered to take care of themselves. Certified Coaches are highly trained and competent and most are always looking to further educate themselves - simply because, there is so much to learn! When you choose to work with a Health and Nutrition Coach, you’re choosing to work with someone who understands all the pillars that make up someone’s health and well-being. Food, relationships, creativity, relationships and more.

  4. You’re kept accountable and motivated.

    There is something profound about setting a goal and having someone in your corner to cheer you on and motivate you to stick to your goal(s). Having a Coach helps to keep us accountable and also remind us of all the small wins along the journey. I meet with my clients formally once a week to go over their progress from the week prior and I also have daily check ins to see how they’re holding up to their goals. Studies have shown that by working with a Coach 1-on-1 on a weekly basis, you can increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

  5. You have someone there that listens, gives you tools and advice and puts you first.

    Above all, your Coach is there for you. To support you, motivate you, educate you, inspire you, celebrate all your successes and hold a safe and loving space. Certified Coaches are able to spend time listening to you, mentoring you through the changes you’re embarking on and counsel you through behavioral changes. When we feel listened to and motivated in our efforts, our physical and mental health improve.

For personalized and private support, discover working with me 1-1

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