Hair Health for Thyroid Health

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cause changes to hair. 

When hormone production is disrupted, specifically of hormones T3 and T4, it affects other processes in the body - including the development of hair at the root.

Thankfully, changes to the hair are temporary and can be controlled as the thyroid begins to heal.

And as every other organ we have discussed thus far, treating the hair as a separate entity is just as important as addressing the bigger picture.

Ways to Holistically Support Your Hair Health

Optimal Iron Levels

Thyroid issues can affect the body’s ferritin levels, which are associated with your iron stores. Low ferritin may contribute to hair loss. Have your iron and ferritin levels tested periodically, to be sure they are in optimal ranges. If supplementing is needed, discuss with your doctor for best practices.

Treat Nutritional Deficiencies

Even without a thyroid condition, certain nutritional deficiencies can cause hair loss. Specifically, check that these are in optimal range and discuss with your doctor for best practices if supplementing is needed.

  • Vitamins B7 and B complex

  • Zinc

  • Copper

  • Vitamins C, E, and A

  • Coenzyme Q10

Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition

We cannot talk about hair health, without mentioning the importance of the foods you’re putting in your body. In general, foods that cause inflammation (sugar, alcohol, fried foods) can cause hair loss, along with other inflammatory conditions. Focus on eating real, whole foods rich in the nutrients needed for thyroid health, including iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, vitamin D, B vitamins, and vitamin A. And add more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet to support your overall health (PURCHASE ANTI INFLAMMATORY GUIDE)

Add Collagen

Collagen gives your hair its strength and while our bodies produces collagen on its own, the production of it decreases as we age. If you are chronically ill or stressed, that production is reduced even more. Consider adding a high quality collagen to your drinks, smoothies, oatmeals and incorporate more bone broth into your diet. Further Foods is my favorite brand of collagen, use discount code furtherwithneeyaz10 for a discount.

Incorporate Herbs

Nettle, rosemary, peppermint and burdock all have properties that help with hair regrowth. Drink these herbs as a tea infusion or put them in a smoothie, soup or stew.

Make Hair Care Part of Your Routine

Coat your hair, from scalp to end, in a nourishing hair mask once a week. Castor oil is one of the best to help encourage hair regrowth and thickness. Apply it to your scalp and run it down the length of your hair. Coat the rest of your hair in coconut oil or avocado for soft subtle hair.

Give yourself a scalp massage weekly, using something like a bamboo brush bristle. The pores on our scalp are the largest on our bodies, making scalp health upmost priority. Consider a scalp rinse every week or two to wash off any build up from product use using a mixture of apple cider vinegar.

Rinse your hair with cold water, as hot wash dries out the scalp and can lead to further inflammation and dandruff.

Limit your use of hot tools and be sure to get a routine haircut, to reduce the growth of split ends.

Balance Your Hormones & Address Adrenal Fatigue

For women especially, changes to hormonal profile can cause a multitude of symptoms, including hair loss. Understanding the status of your hormones through diagnostic testing (done with a Functional Practitioner and/or Naturopathic Doctor) can give you a clear picture as to the status of your hormones. By addressing these areas as their own, it can greatly support your thyroid health and in turn, reverse symptoms.

Be Gentle and Patient

When handling your hair, be gentle with it. Avoid pulling it into tight braids or ponytails, as this causes stress to the scalp and slows down hair growth. Treating hair growth can be emotional, as women especially identify with their hair and use it as a form of expression. Please bear in mind that hair regrowth takes time, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t notice regrowth after several months. The healing is happening, trust your journey.

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